Sunday, February 1, 2009

Just saw them off and call me tenderfoot

My shins that is, but not above the bottom of my calf muscles- after years of distance running in high school I have just now developed something resembling a respectable calf from cycling and I'm not quite willing to give those up. But the shins, they can go, right there in the middle, just like the movie Gataca (sp?) where they sawed his shins in half and inserted implant rods, I'll take a set of titanium implants, something not so fragile that won't ruin a perfect 65 degree sunshiny day for running.

And the blisters, they remind me of those days in high school track when the Texas sun would shine down in the middle of the afternoon and by the 15th or so repeat 400 it literally felt as though your shoe were melting away and you were testing your manhood infront of the tribe by walking across the coals...except, again, its a perfect 65 degree day with a slight breeze, no reason they should feel this bad. 

In recap...I ran about 7 miles, according to google maps, out and back starting into the wind and it took 48:55 (23:50 out 25:05 back) and I could've done without the shins, I'll recap my week at a later point in time, but this should do for my first post...


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