Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ok...So I blew it

Swimming in the pool this morning did little to reassure myself that I really didn't waste my vacation as bad as I've been thinking since returning home Sunday night.

After ranting a while back that I wanted to swim anywhere besides a pool while knowing I would be spending 10 days in the clear blue waters of the Bahamas, I swam a full, count it, 1 time during my trip, and that amounted to little more than 2o minutes or so of actual swimming. Add a few ancillary swims while snorkeling and jumping off cliffs and I essentially did nothing to justify packing my swim fins, paddles and two sets of goggles. 

Perhaps you're thinking, well that's ok, everyone needs their rest and I'm sure you still managed to compliment what little swimming with some regular running, right? 


The running was almost as bad as the swimming, granted I ran 40 minutes my second day there and another 20 minutes on day 7 or 8, neither workout justified the inordinate amount of food I ate nor the liberal amounts of Bahamian beer with which I cooled myself off.

All said and done I came back 3 pounds heavier than I left, a 6 pound deficit considering I was hoping to LOSE 3 pounds and while I needed some rest, I successfully peaked a full 3 months before my first A race of the season.

Not to be one to end on a bad note, I have a great tan now and the weather in Dallas is finally starting to look conducive to bike riding, learn from our mistakes to better ourselves going forward...

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